What is Ingress?
Ingress is a social game, a hobby, a sport, a pastime you play in the real world using your smartphone. You physically travel to interesting and beautiful locations around the city, the nation, and the world, using an app on your phone to capture portals. Captured portals can be linked to control areas and score points for your team. There are only two factions all over the world, the blue Resistance and the green Enlightened.
How do I get it?
Okay I got it. Now how do I move?
Who are the Blue Voodoo?
The Blue Voodoo is the New Orleans Resistance. We have active players from Houma to Amite to New Orleans to Slidell, and extensive contacts regionally and nationally to facilitate large operations. Resistance Agents in New Orleans are very social and love to meet for food, drink and Ingress play.
Why is joining the Blue Voodoo important?
The design of the game means that team play is incredibly important. Players with more experience can point you to good locations, help you build up and fortify, keep eyes on the Global Intel map for field ops, and cooperate to take down and block the other faction’s activity.
How do I join?
Inside the Ingress app, look in the Faction COMM messages and say hello! We have active players across the region, and you will see messages from agents physically close by. A nearby player will provide an email address in Faction COMM, so just send an email from your Google account to so we can add you to our faction Slack, Google Hangouts, and Google Plus Communities.
Why do I need to join secure chats? Can’t I just play?
The in-game COMM is not really great for longer conversations or planning. We use Google Hangouts and Slack extensively for communications. We have a welcome room for new players to ask questions and learn, a chat for general tomfoolery and discussion, as well as a more secure OPS chat and more specialized rooms for different topics or specific game ops.
We also maintain a public and private G+ Community for more tips, tricks, questions, and ideas.
Our Ingress New Orleans QuickStart Guide http://bit.ly/IngressQuickStart
How to let anybody hangout you:
- Go to Google+ Settings: https://plus.google.com/settings
- Find the “Who can Hangout with you” title (second from the top) and click Customize
- Make sure that all cicles (including Everyone Else at the bottom of the list) can hangouts you.
- Select the “Get notified about Hangout requests” button.