NOLA Resistance is best resistance, better than all other resistance, everybody says so even the Enlightened:
If you want to get an anomaly badge for Via Nighttime, you should come to NOLA for the weekend of November 12. The good Jahan lady (Resistance, duh) is fighting the nasty Enlightened Acolyte lady and we are gonna help take the nasty Enlightened down once and for all.
Not sure how to get here? Not sure where to sleep (no sleep duh, it’s NOLA)? We can help get you fancy Resistance rides and places to put your stuff when you’re out crushing the nasty Enlightened. Sign up on on our fancy registration site now to get all the deets.
Already signed up? Check your e-mails for fancy info like IRC invites.
We are selling fancy NOLA swag stuffs here! Spend ALL your dollars so we can have the best party, so much better than the Enlightened party because WE know how to party the best. Our swag is already the best because we have fancy designer Narumifox and bestest swag lead @wildtootiebird.
Oh noes! It looks like almost all the swags are getting sold out. SPEND YOUR SWAG MONEYS NOW. Money is the only GREEN we like around here because we are RESISTANCE and blue is better than green.
Here are some good swags we still have left that you can use to give us your money:
IMPORTANT SWAG THING: If you are a good Resistance agent coming to the ‘nomaly you can get your swag on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the anomaly weekend (Nov 12, duh). If you are a not-coming-because-mean agent we will ship your order after the the anomaly because we are busy
drinking planning anomaly stuff like how to beat the cheating Enlightened.
No idea why you are here? Start playing Ingress and Join the Resistance because blue is better than green and the Resistance are the best and we are going to beat the Enlightened in New Orleans. If you are still confused after you do that you can send electronic mail questions to and we’ll respond during happy hour when we are sitting around talking about how the Resistance is the best because that’s what makes us happy, being THE BEST.
If you are just here to hang out and be awesome you should watch this video on this cool new site we found (we think the owners are Resistance!) called youtubes:
Oh and just in case you thought we forgot…..