A lot of folks are stumbling into Ingress via Pokémon Go or are interested in using the Ingress intel tools to help advance their Pokédex. If that’s you, welcome! Quite a few regular old Ingress players have been checking out Pokémon too and we’re excited to see where the game is going.
If you have joined the Resistance in Ingress, shoot us a note at join@bluevoodoo.la and we can hook you into our chats and help level you up. We have players of all Pokémon colors on the team!
If you’re looking for local places to play Ingress and/or Pokémon most efficiently, check out our Pokémon Go page for Google Maps links to all the best spots. Stay safe out there and catch & capture ’em all!
Live Chat at pokechat.bluevoodoo.la
xo – BV Admins